Tuesday, February 28, 2012

New House!

Well it has been quite a while since I have lastposted and I apologize. We have been so busy over here in the new house trying to get things unpacked and put away. I have just a few pictures of what we having been working so hard at. My mom worked her butt off on the feature wall in the master bedroom and it looks AMAZING! It was very tedious but I think it was worth it, she might have another opinion lol.

Here is her masterpiece and our new bedroom furniture:

On her last trip here we did the niche in the master entryway and it looks amazing too! We reversed the colors and added a picture too.

Jack's room is still a work in progress. The beadboard and chair rail are up we still have to paint the chair rail but it already looks so good. It's such a big boys room! We hung his letters today along with a picture board his Nonni made him to match his nautical decor. The letters are an etsy find and I am very pleased with how they came out! Here is what we have done so far:

His curtains look amazing too! Im so thankful for etsy and finding "Daniel Dry Goods". They worked with me to make the curtains absolutely perfect! LOVE them!

It's kind of hard to see but they are a nautical ticking stripe and they match his room wonderfully. Please excuse the blue painters tape...we still have to paint the chair rail!

I will post more pictures once we get our projects completed!


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