Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Elfie, Day 3

Here is what we found Elfie doing this am! Jack's response was "silly Elfie!"

Here he is with his troops ready to defeat the evil Emperor Zurg! "To Infinity and Beyond"!!

Stay tuned for Elfie's next mischievous day...

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

House Update

Well we haven't been to the house in about a week but these are the most recent pictures I have. They painted the inside and we now have garage doors!!! Yay!

Here is the outside with our newly acquired garage doors...

Here is the great room looking from the kitchen area...

Another view with Jack...

View of great room and some of the kitchen nook...

Here is the front door (obviously) and the dining room to the left...

Here is the master bedroom...

Here is the hallway leading to the master bath...

Here is the hallway from Jack's room that leads to the bathroom and other bedroom. It's not painted the correct color though. Its supposed to be the darker color...

And last but not least this is Jack's room....It looks a little too dark right now but once we get the bead board up I think it will look great and the white will help tone down the dark blue.

And the playroom!

Elfie, Day 2

Here is Elfie being silly on the couch! He seems to like Xbox and apple juice just like the other boys in the house!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Elfie has arrived!

Well last night Elfie made his first appearance and we woke up to him being being silly! Jack was very excited to go looking for him...I hope the excitement continues!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Play day with Gabby!

On Saturday we went to breakfast with the Cordero's and then over to their house after for playtime. Jack has so much fun playing with Gabby and Alex. Here they are being silly with dive masks. Lol. They are so cute and play so well together, we wish we lived closer to spend more time with them!

New Blog!

Here it is....This is the new design for my blog! Isn't it adorable? I'm so in love with the cute little owls on top. This will be the main blog from here on out since apple is discontinuing their blog services. I will be more consistent with updating because I can also access and update from my phone :) Hope everyone enjoys!
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