Friday, December 23, 2011

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Elfie: Day 20

Oh no! Looks like Elfie has met Boris! Luckily, Boris is a friendly T-Rex!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Elfie: Day 19

After a short hiatus while we were in Disney Elfie is back!

He seems to be rocking out!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Elfie: Day 18

Elfie decided to help himself to Jack's toy!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Little house update...

Drove by the house yesterday just to see what they were working on found that we now have trees!!!!

They are doing the tile this week too!

Elfie: Day 17

Elfie seems to like playing with cars just like Jack! Look at him go!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Elfie: Day 16

Oh must be careful!! Jack was very amused this morning though lol

Monday, December 12, 2011

30 Days of Gratitude

Day 12: Hands

My favorite little hand on mine :)

Elfie: Day 15

Elfie made quite a mess this am! He must think he is very funny...

Sunday, December 11, 2011

30 Days of Gratitude

Day 11: Something old. And cute!

Here is my Samson boy...he getting gray hair! You cant see it very well but it's there!

Elfie: Day 14

Jack found Elfie this morning in our bathroom using his new toothbrush! Jack thought it was hilarious lol. Silly Elfie!

House Update!

We stopped by the house today and it is looking great! The crown molding is done in the kitchen and family room along with the painting. The cabinets are in and look beautiful! They are starting on the floors this week and more finishing touches!! We can't wait to move in, it's almost time!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

30 Days of Gratitude

Day 10: Nature

We took Jack to Lowry Zoo's Wild Wonderland tonight and here's a picture of the pretty lights for Christmas on the trees!

Elfie: Day 13

Elfie made a snowman! Since we live in FL now snow isn't going to happen so he improvised and used marshmallows along with pretzel sticks! Elfie is so creative lol

Jack meets Santa!

Our neighborhood park put on a Holiday Festival today and Jack was so excited he got to meet Santa! He also loved the bounce house and slide!!

He just LOVED the slide!!!

Such a good looking Santa!

Friday, December 9, 2011

30 Days of Gratitude

Day 9: Inspiring Person

I didn't take too many pics today but here is one of my little guy at the tree lighting. He inspires me to be a good mom and teaches me patience...on a daily basis lol

Elfie: Day 12

Elfie decided to help himself to Jacks poopy jar and got stuck! Lol silly Elfie!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

30 Days of Gratitude

Day 8: Favorite Color

I was working today and didn't not even go outside so I'm recycling another picture....Its kinda hard to see but this is our new family room that was recently painted a lovely shade of what I like to call "coastal blue". Can't wait to move in!!!!

Elfie: Day 11

Elfie wrote Jack a little note the other night because he was rather reminds him to behave :)

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

30 Days of Gratitude

Day 7: something funny.

Well I know this isn't an instagram pic but this video is hilarious. Jack was in an awful mood after waking up from his short nap today but quickly perked up when I put on Rio.


Elfie: Day 10

It appears that Elfie likes the iPad as much as Jack! We woke up to him siting on the couch watching Backyardigans! Lol

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Elfie: Day 9

Hmmm...Looks like Elfie was trying to make some hot chocolate and fell in! Silly Elfie!

Monday, December 5, 2011

30 Days of Gratitude

Day 5: Morning Sky

My favorite...

I love Florida....

Elfie: Day 8

It seems Elfie has taken a liking to Jessie...I wonder where they are off too???

Sunday, December 4, 2011

30 Days of Gratitude

Day 4: Leaves

I love this pic I took right before we moved from IL to FL...

Elfie: Day 7

Here he is! I'm posting before Jack finds him this am :)

Saturday, December 3, 2011

30 Days of Gratitude

Day 3: Happiness

Oops forgot to post my picture for the 30 Days of Gratitude! It's hard to post pics after working 12+ hours so I'm going to cheat and use an older picture that I have. Enjoy :)

I love this pic and it makes me happy :) Tomorrow should be interesting because I am working again...

Elfie: Day 6

Here is the mischief we found Elfie in this am...

He seems to like to drive the car as much as Jack!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Day 2: 30 Days of Gratitude.

Day 2: Smile:

I didn't take many pictures today but this is guy makes me smile :) Here he is sitting on the couch with all his little friends after waking up this am.

Elfie, Day 5

Well I couldn't resist not getting a tree, it just doesn't feel Christmas. So I found a cute little 3ft tree with lights and it's just adorable. Jack likes it too and evidently do does Elfie! Such a silly elf...

Thursday, December 1, 2011

30 Days of Gratitude

Well, I saw this on Pinterest and on a blog I read and I'm going to give it a try....Seems cute and I love Instagram! Here is what I have.....

Day 1:

Yummy! I'm so happy we live in Blue Bell Country...moderation is key lol. If you have never heard of it you MUST MUST give it a try. No other ice cream even compares. Matt got me hooked on it a few years ago when we were visiting Tampa and he recognized it from his days in Texas. Visit here for more info on the addictive ice cream. Don't say I didn't warn you though!

Stay tuned tomorrow for Day 2! I'm hoping this will be a fun little project along with Elfie and his adventures.

Oh Elfie...

Well it seems as though Elfie decided to go finishing....and was successful! Jack absolutely loved finding him this am and thought it was hilarious!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Elfie, Day 3

Here is what we found Elfie doing this am! Jack's response was "silly Elfie!"

Here he is with his troops ready to defeat the evil Emperor Zurg! "To Infinity and Beyond"!!

Stay tuned for Elfie's next mischievous day...

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

House Update

Well we haven't been to the house in about a week but these are the most recent pictures I have. They painted the inside and we now have garage doors!!! Yay!

Here is the outside with our newly acquired garage doors...

Here is the great room looking from the kitchen area...

Another view with Jack...

View of great room and some of the kitchen nook...

Here is the front door (obviously) and the dining room to the left...

Here is the master bedroom...

Here is the hallway leading to the master bath...

Here is the hallway from Jack's room that leads to the bathroom and other bedroom. It's not painted the correct color though. Its supposed to be the darker color...

And last but not least this is Jack's room....It looks a little too dark right now but once we get the bead board up I think it will look great and the white will help tone down the dark blue.

And the playroom!

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

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